About Us  


Shiv Puri
Shiv is the Founder and Managing Director of TVF Capital Advisors. He has been investing in the public markets since 2001.

Shiv has had extensive experience in finance by working at leading institutions such as Bain Capital in Boston, Crescendo Ventures in Silicon Valley and Morgan Stanley in New York. At Bain Capital, he was responsible for making investments primarily in the technology sector for the $4 billion Brookside fund. Prior to that, he worked at Crescendo ventures, a $600 million venture capital firm based in Palo Alto. He started his career at Morgan Stanley in New York.

Shiv graduated with honors in 1998 with a double degree - BSE in Finance from the Wharton School and BAS in Systems Engineering from University of Pennsylvania. He also received the prestigious Academic All-American award for outstanding performance in intervarsity golf and academics. He is the recipient of the prestigious Robert E. Linneman Award for outstanding scholarship in finance.

He is a member of the prestigious Indian Business Leaders Roundtable, founder of Ashoka University and lifetime benefactor of the Singapore Indian Education Trust. He is also a member of Young President’s Organization (YPO). He is active in education related philanthropic causes.

Management Team

"The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well." - John D. Rockefeller Jr.

"We do not get paid for activity, just for being right." - Warren Buffet

"Never, ever, think about something else when you should be thinking about the power of incentives."- Charlie Munger